Open fermentation vessels at the Hopfner brewery im Karlsruhe. The one in the foreground is empty, the three in the background brimming with Kräusen

Kunze on Maturation

Kunze’s Technology Brewing and Malting covers many approaches to fermentation and maturation. I made notes below on a few that look useful in my brewery. All these methods are meant for use with a cylindroconical tank, which I don’t have. Temperatures below are converted from the Celsius ones Kunze provides (why I use Fahrenheit for temperature when I use metric for everything else is a different topic) and rounded to the nearest degree. Homebrewers can probably ferment a couple degrees warmer since we don’t have the middle-of-the-tank hotspots big breweries have. ...

August 18, 2024 · 2 min · ajk
Clear wort in a sight glass through which the words “I Approve This Wort,” printed on a piece of paper, are legible


Last weekend I was asked what I do to get the clarity in my beers. It made me happy for that to be noticed because I’ve taken a lot of steps to improve clarity (and foam, another topic) over the years. Clarity hasn’t always been very important to me, but I’ve come to believe a beer’s appearance is a big part of the overall sensory experience. Also, in competition, appearance undoubtedly affects most judges’ perceptions beyond the three points on the scoresheet. ...

July 18, 2024 · 6 min · ajk